Privacy Policy

User Information

All the information collected on this site, such as e-mail address, IP, group, etc is used for generating statistic only. We will NEVER sell or distribute your information. If you ever get an e-mail, it’s from us.

If you wish to unsubscribe from any email listings, simply email us at or simply click the unsubscribe link included in all our emails.

Cookies might use cookies to store your user information.

External Links links extensively to other websites on the internet. These sites have their respective privacy policies. takes no responsibility for the content or actions by those sites.

Logging logs information about its visitors such as IP address, date/time visited, referring website, country of origin, pages viewed, etc. This information is used for statistic purposes only.

Additional Information

If you have any other questions regarding your privacy, feel free to email contact@gamingpc.caand we will get back to you, usually within 48-72 hours.